Oatey PVC shower pan liner sets the industry standard for quality, practical and economical shower pan lining and waterproofing applications. 40 mils thick flexible gray PVC sheet is marked every 6" for easy measuring and is UPC listed. Universally compatible with all shower pan drains, including Sioux Chief 821 & 863 series, Oatey 130 series and others. For multiple sheet bonding (gluing), use X-15 bonding adhesive (part# 30812). For sealing door jambs and curbs, use Oatey corner dams (part# 41602).
Note: this item is 6ft wide and is sold by the foot. Indicate the length in qty field when adding to cart (for example, qty 4 would mean a 6ft wide x 4ft long sheet; qty 8 would mean 6ft wide x 8ft long, etc.). We ship these carefully folded to minimize creasing and for shipping cost considerations, but we may also be able to ship in a roll/tube depending on length (additional shiping cost may apply).
This product is custom-cut and is non-returnable. Please make sure you're ordering the right size.
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