Note: product title indicates boiler's Net AHRI (Net IBR) rating
This boiler model does not include a burner (part# 131521B).
Trooper series cast iron hot water oil-fired boiler with tankless domestic hot water coil.
Trooper boiler is a cost-attractive, high-quality solution for new or replacement boiler installations, combining clean, no-frills look with top-quality and familiar brand controls & components, USA-made cast iron heat exchanger and quality assembly - for an easy installation & maintenance, longer life span and worry-free performance.
Boiler includes: Draft Regulator, Hydrolevel HydroStat Control, Taco 007e (high efficiency) Circulator Pump w/ Flange Set, Pressure Relief Valve, Drain Valve, Temperature & Pressure Gauge, Fittings.
- Crown/Velocity: TBW100
- Dunkirk: 4EWC1.00T
- Lennox: COWB3-3
- New Yorker: CL3-140WE
- Peerless: ECT-e-03-100, WBV-e-03-105-W, WBV-e-04-095-W
- Pennco: 3KWC0.80T, 4KWC1.00T
- Slant/Fin: TR-30-1.10-PT, XL-30-.85, XL-30-1.00
- Utica: BC3060 (w/ DHW coil), BC3095 (w/ DHW coil), BC4100T (w/ DHW coil), SFH-3085WT, SFH-3100WT, SFH-4100WT
- 3 boiler sizes in one - burner (sold separately) includes (2) additional smaller size nozzles for lower BTU output
- Energy Star certified (when used with smaller size nozzle)
- Model with pre-installed tankless domestic hot water (DHW) coil
- Traditional design, enhanced for greater value and ease of installation & maintenance
- Fully packaged and assembled (circulator, drain valve and T&P valve shipped loose)
- Premium-level, familiar brand controls (Honeywell & Hydrolevel) for ease of monitoring and service
- Assembled in Pennsylvania with USA-made components, including robust, time-tested and efficient cast iron heat exchanger with metal section connections for increased boiler life
- Taco 007-F5 circulator included
- Removable top cover and swing-out cast iron door with burner quick disconnect harness for ease of access, cleaning and repair
- Combustion chamber lined with replaceable ceramic insulation
Technical Specifications:
- Input (BTU): 122,000 (w/ default nozzle), 92,000 (w/ nozzle #2), 80,000 (w/ nozzle #3)
- Net AHRI Rating (BTU): 106,000 (w/ default nozzle), 80,000 (w/ nozzle #2), 70,000 (w/ nozzle #3)
- Burner Capacity (BTU): 140,000 (w/ default nozzle), 105,000 (w/ nozzle #2), 91,000 (w/ nozzle #3)
- Burner Capacity/Oil Firing Rate (GPH): 1.00 (default nozzle), 0.75 (nozzle #2), 0.65 (nozzle #3)
- Efficiency (AFUE): 86.3% (default), 87.0% (nozzle #2), 87.3% (nozzle #3)
- Fuel Type: #2 Fuel Oil
- Boiler/System Type: Hot Water (Hydronic) Cast Iron Oil Boiler w/ Tankless Domestic Hot Water Coil
- Boiler Connections: 1-1/2" NPT - Supply/Return Connections, 3/4" FNPT - Tankless Coil, 3/4" NPT - Relief Valve, 3/4" NPT - Drain
- Tankless Coil Connections: 1/2" NPT
- Vent Type: Chimney Vent
- Vent Pipe Size: 6" (standard Cat I galvanized chimney vent pipe)
- Minimum Chimney Requirements: 8" x 8" x 15'
- Dimensions: 26" Wide x 18" Deep (30" w/ burner installed) x 32" High
- Approx. Shipping Weight: 560 lbs
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